Antique and vintage cameras are valued by collectors for countless reasons, some for the historical significance, by professional photographers, others just thing they look cool.
If you're a baby boomer you'll remember the Kodak Brownie Hawkeye. Here are some other
popular vintage cameras
Leica IIIC. ...
Makina W67. ...
Mamiya M645. ...
Nikon F. ...
Olympus Pen F. ...
Pentax 67. ...
Polaroid SX70.
Can you still by 35mm film?

Fuji will still be making its 35mm, 120, and of course, its insanely popular InstaxFilm, which rivals the Impossible Project film with far better quality and consistency, but leaves you with the downside of having to purchase a new Instax camera, as their Instant film is not compatible with the old Polaroid models.