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Collecting old stuff is fun, any day.

Writer's picture: Maggies Milford-AntiquesMaggies Milford-Antiques

Collecting old stuff is fun any day. It really doesn’t matter what one is collecting but the mere history relating to it makes it an attractive concept. There are so many things available in the market. New things and concepts are coming up every day, making the old one obsolete. These things could be as small as a needle to that of an air craft. There are could be so many obsessive collectors found across the globe who would want to pay any thing and every this for a simple reason of that thing being really old. The thumb rule I solder the stuff is the more expensive it is. It could be an antique, a heritage commodity, an original fossil for that matter. The only criterion is that it has to be old and it would prove to be of real fun and excitement for a collector of old commodities. You would have to speak to one of old stuff collector and see the sparks in hi/her eyes talking about the old stuff that he/she own, to know what these old things mean to a collector. Over an above a hobby it’s becoming a big time business. A number of websites are emerging on the internet offering the sale and purchase of real old stuff. But nothing is more fun than walking through a antique store, specially one like Maggie's Antiques, in Milford DE. There are so many exhibitions around the country across the globe exhibiting such precious old antique

heritage products. These days’ people not only collect such stuff and pack it inside a huge box; they take pride in displaying and to so extend using them as well. You would find that most of the affluent rich families who could afford exuberant furniture pieces for there houses – would prefer the antique furniture for their well equipped modern houses. The fact that such furniture is used doesn’t bother these antique lovers. Talking of family old stuff is another option for come collectors who love and adore their past. Or simply don’t want to let go their past. They would have their child hood note books, their first toy etc. Also there is lot of old stuff that is passed on from one generation to the other and for centuries remains with a family. Most common of such stuff would include – a family stone; an antique mirror; an old grandmother’s dairy which would almost be treated as bible; charismas tree decorations used over decades etc. These things would have high emotional value over and above the fact that they would really be old. There could be different reasons for some one to collect old stuff – their love for it, the sentimental value attached, old memories, limited supplies etc but one thing is common about collecting old stuff – its simply fun!

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