I love teacups! Like little works of art. I like to use them for gifts, I’ve put plants in them and made some teacup birdfeeder. This year I'm doing Holiday Decorations, so if you're family or friend, guess what you are getting?
So I searched for some ideas. Here are some cute one's. But if you are like me once you start your imagination will take over. I does not have to be just tea cups, plates and bowls can add some extra depth to your design. At this point I bet your imagination is starting to perk.

I have got to the point where I don't want to use any more tea cups from my collection.
So now I look for pieces more for crafting than collecting. You can find them any where, thrift and second hand stores. Of course our FAVORITE place is Maggie's Antiques in Milford, they have an older and unique assemble of china and glassware.
